Five Must Read Predictions about the American Housing Market in 2018

Housing Market Symbol

Given the almost habitual turmoil surrounding the U.S. housing market, you would be forgiven for thinking that making a prediction is as futile as inventing an underwater hairdryer. The notoriously volatile nature of property means it is difficult to turn soothsayer, but there are a few things that seem obvious when you analyze them. In … Read more

Fannie Mae Considering Programs to Help Homeowners Build Their Properties

Hispanic family outside home| Homeowners

It is no secret that the homebuilding industry has suffered since the global economic crisis. Before the crisis, there was over two million home starts a year but the figure plummeted to below half a million in less than three years. Even today, there are slightly over one million home starts per annum, about half … Read more

Home Construction Reaches One Year High But Sales Are At Their Highest Level in a Decade

Home Construction is rising

There has been much debate about the nationwide housing shortage, but home construction firms are doing their best to rectify the situation. Their hard work has resulted in a much-needed boost for potential homebuyers. New home construction is at its highest level in a year according to the Commerce Department. Construction of new properties rose … Read more

Republican Party: How Will The Republican Tax Plan Impact the Housing Industry?

Tax Form with calculator | Tax Plan

On November 2, 2017, the Republican Party unveiled it’s tax plan, and some of the most interesting aspects of it relate to the housing industry. There are three key points to consider: A reduction in the amount of mortgage interest that can be deducted. A property tax deduction cap. Capital gains exemption limits which are … Read more

Here’s Why Student Loan Debt No Longer Prevents You from Buying a Home

graduation hat over dollar bills | resembling student loan

According to research by the Federal Bank Reserve of New York, student debt is one of the main reasons for the drop in homeownership in the U.S. amongst millennials. As of Q2 in 2017, student loan debt is $1.45 trillion compared to $549 billion in Q2 of 2007. In fact, student debt has tripled in … Read more